The Queensland Children’s Hospital (QCH) represents one of Australia’s largest public health projects and the largest in Queensland’s history, providing general and specialist paediatric services as well as tertiary and quaternary training and research.
Designed by architects Conrad Gargett & Lyons, the project is a significant evolution from the mostly function-driven hospitals of the past, using a ‘salutogenic’ approach which addresses the relationship between health, stress and coping by focusing on the needs and well-being of children and their families. The design is based on the idea of a living tree, with a network of double height spaces radiating from two vertical atria, like branches radiating from a tree trunk, and provides clear way-finding and a strong connection to the outside with constant views of the surrounding nature.
The project boasts some of the world’s most advanced diagnostic technology, with some 359 hospital beds spread over 12 levels and 73,000 square meters of clinical space.
In line with the cutting-edge architecture and world leading medical technology, the building services design of QCH pushed the envelope and in fact tested the standard with regard to zone pressurisation. With over 70 departments experiencing individual cooling loads and specific ventilation requirements, Celmec’s Hospital Grade non-allergenic VAV Terminal Units play an integral role in providing the many departments of this flagship hospital with highly accurate control of air flow to ensure a healthy environment and smoke management in an emergency.
- Air Volume & Smoke Dampers
Manage air supply and the spread of smoke through air-conditioning and ventilation systems.
- Fire Dampers
Impede the spread of fire and combustible airborne materials through air-conditioning and ventilation systems.
- Variable Air Volume Terminal Unit
Precise localised temperature control by varying the rate of airflow.
Celmec’s Hospital Grade non-allergenic VAV Terminal Units play an integral role in providing the many departments of this flagship hospital with highly accurate control of air flow to ensure a healthy environment and smoke management in an emergency.